Read full article on the Derry Journal Website (derryjournal dot com)
College Website:
"The new chair of Oakgrove Integrated College, Carmel Irandoust, begins a new chapter in the school’s history, as the first incumbent whose background is not from one tradition or the other, but from what she sees as ‘an integrated version of it all.’"
"Ms Irandoust, too, stresses her conviction in the importance of integrated education as the foundation of a more inclusive, pluralist, peaceful society.
‘We are in this position today where we grasp the deep meaning that a child can be the light of the world or the darkness of the world- education alone can make it swing one way or another,’ she says."
"Announcing the appointment, Oakgrove Principal John Harkin says:
‘We are delighted to welcome a new Chair of the Board to Oakgrove Carmel has already played a part in the life of the school and community, keen to continue the tradition of those who founded this school and continue to serve our integrated community."
‘A man I admired greatly and pray to regularly to inspire me is John Hume. He said of our young people, “You are the generation that will be leading in the new century and the new millennium, so the challenge is to make sure that your influence is used to ensure that the entire world learns that humanity transcends difference, that difference is indeed the very essence of humanity."’
‘For me,’ she concludes, ’the question is- what legacy do we want to leave for this school but also in the lives of our young people? Young people are the presents of today, and the builders of tomorrow. May we continue to dedicate the precious days of our lives for their well-being for, without them, our world will be lost.’
One united delegation, from the North and from the South of the island of Ireland, visited Paris, France and their QJ - Youth Headquarters to learn, to discuss and to reflect on how to best serve the young people of our respective cities and regions.
You can find the report of the Visit as well as the Follow-up and what it means for us on the island of Ireland below.
Youth can move the world!
YOUTH HQ on the island of Ireland: impossible or inevitable?
An All-Island delegation from Ireland visited a "Youth HQ" in Paris, France also known as QJ. This document is a summary of their findings and explores a pertinent model for Youth Empowerment. If you are interested to know more, read it and let's connect!
This resource, we hope, will inspire many organisations, local authorities, youth groups, businesses, universities, schools, and many more. It may "even" encourage some of them to work with others and make this Youth HQ a reality!
NETLOVE was delighted to give a series of workshops on "Global Citizenship" and "Women and Girls" over the year 2022 at St. Columb College in Derry/Londonderry.
A huge thank you to the administration of the school (Principal, Vice-Principal and teachers) who welcomed NETLOVE. Most importantly, our deepest thanks go to the boys of the school for their participation, attention and their questions.
This is John Hume. A Human Rights activist who went to school and taught French and History there too. A well respected and acclaimed politician, locally, regionally and at the European level too.
He is remembered for his tremendous work for Peace and Justice because his words and his deeds aligned and made a long-lasting impact. He welcomed everyone to join him in building peace together.
“What solutions do we have to combat violence against girls?”
A, 13. For them to have a loving home and being able to consent when someone wants to marry them and making sure they are old enough.
C, 14. Standing up to it and saying no.
T, 14. Saying no and standing against it and not letting it happen.
C, 14. I feel that I could treat male and female equally.
Our founder, Ms. Carmel Irandoust, used to work at the United Nations Headquarters for nearly 4 years. She started as a Public Information Assistant (tour guide) in French, English and Spanish for a year followed by three years at the Protocol and Liaison Service of the Secretary-General.
Over 150 guides from all around the world joyfully gathered and celebrated this important milestone: "important" because UN guides, of today and yesterday, receive a briefing every day on current events, welcome visitors -young and old - and explore together not only the work of this organization but also that it is the only place on the planet where the Human Family is being represented. All this
" As a guide, I often said that whatever you see here, is a mirror of what our own countries are doing. It is a mirror... it is trying to do better of course, but ultimately it is a reflection of what we are, what we do... so if you don't like what you see, then be the change you want to see." CI
Photo: Ms. Andrea Ocampo wearing the UN Tour guides uniform from the 60s and Ms. Carmel Irandoust.
In the General Assembly Lobby, with the presence of UN guides from 1952 onwards, as well as previous Chiefs of the Tour Guides Unit, Public Outreach Division and the Deputy Secretary-General Ms. Amina J. Mohammed.
In the General Assembly Hall, by the podium.
Photo: Ms. Carmel Irandoust
Short story shared during a round-table (volume up!):
A beautiful digital exhibit here on 70 years of Guided Tours:
During the reception in the General Assembly Lobby, United Nations Headquarters, NYC.
Photo: Mr. Maxime Alvarez de Toledo and Ms. Carmel Irandoust.
Round table celebrating the 70th year anniversary of the Guided Tours of the United Nations.
NETLOVE hosted discussions groups about Violence Against Children and the role of young people as global citizens acting locally.
These spaces took place in different universities across Ireland. Here the photos are from a discussion group organised at the University College Dublin (UCD), in Dublin in the Global Inequalities class. Thank you to the Department of Sociology for welcoming us.
Ms. Carmel Irandoust addressing the students about violence against young women. In the background, the pictures of Mahsa Amini and Nika Shakarami who were murdered in the streets of Iran. One was 23 and the other was 17.
NETLOVE and Youth Work Ireland Galway united their efforts to work closely with young people of Galway to reflect on how we can challenge prejudices and unite as members of one human family!
The project is funded by the Department of Children of the Republic of Ireland. Young people designed a follow up workshop and materials published to share learnings and tools to build a more just and peaceful
50 to 70 young people from around the city of Galway attended the AGM and heard a presentation by Ms. Carmel Irandoust on how to challenge prejudices and how to build a better world together. Other themes discussed by various speakers on the day were about Climate Change and invisible disabilities.
NETLOVE and Youth Work Ireland Galway - Westside - worked together with a group of 6 students to design a workshop delivered in their school, and led by themselves.
The topic? How can young people "Be the arrow, Not the target" in their school by challenging prejudices and uniting the hearts and minds together!
With a youth worker from Youth Work Ireland Galway - Westside - Aoibheann and two students who designed the workshop!
Every year, NETLOVE hosts screenings and discussions about Peace on International Peace Day.
This year, it took place at the Guildhall, in the Maiden City with the presence of people from Belfast, Letterkenny, Derry/Londonderry and Claudy.
Few years ago, this gathering would have been impossible because of the conflicts between and within these cities.
To celebrate Peace Day, the Mayor of Derry/Londonderry Ms. Sandra Duffy, co-sponsored this event with NETLOVE and offered an opening address for all.
In the Derry Journal, coverage of the event co-sponsored by the City of Derry/Londonderry and NETLOVE for Peace Day.
NETLOVE is delighted to be a 2022 finalist in the Northern Ireland region in the B2C Services StartUp category, and Global StartUp category.
The StartUp Awards National Series has been launched to recognise the booming startup scene across the UK. Over 2,500 applications were received.
In support of Peace Day 2021, NETLOVE will co-host a special screening of HUMAN THE MOVIE with the HOLYWELL TRUST in Derry/Londonderry during Good Relations Week on 20 September 2021. More info here:
More info about the HOLYWELL TRUST:
NETLOVE will host an online event about "PEACE AND HUMANITY" in French in collaboration with GEMMES for young people aged 12-18 on Sunday 19 September 2021. More info here:
More info about GEMMES:
NETLOVE will host an online event in collaboration with the EBBF (Ethical Business Building the Future) and its members for Peace Day on Tuesday 21 September 2021. More info here:
More about the EBBF:
Watch online event here:
NETLOVE in collaboration with DYCW (the Derry Youth & Community Workshop) will host a 2-hour session in support of Peace Day and Good Relations Week to explore what makes us humans for its clients on Wednesday 22 September 2021.
More info about DYCW: