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NETLOVE is a consulting agency promoting the values of dignity, justice, solidarity, and peace by creating meaningful spaces for children, young people and adults. It explores what makes our society better for the well-being of all and why it's important to connect.
Because today, we need more than just a "network"! The state of our world is such, that no one can deny how vital it is to diffuse more hope to destroy despair and more knowledge to eradicate ignorance.
The time to unite and to work for a better human society is now.
Founded upon a value-based approach to Human Rights, we offer conferences, workshops and screenings - online & in person - around the world, be it in primary and secondary schools; colleges and businesses. We inspire the hearts and the minds of our participants to be active citizens.
Carmel Irandoust is the Founder and Director of NETLOVE. Experienced in the fields of Advocacy, Peacebuilding, Public Information, Policy and Social Justice for over 20 years, she serves as an International Speaker & Consultant for Public and Private Institutions in four languages.
A "Youth Pact" and a "Youth Declaration" were co-designed by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) and NETLOVE capturing the voices, hopes, fears, and dreams of the young people of Ireland on a number of themes ahead of the Summit of the Future at the United Nations in September 2024, and beyond.
Crises today show that it is not enough to have a "network" to flourish as an individual nor as a community. On the contrary, we must learn to transcend the barriers of "us" and "them" into "we" to truly prosper. The happiness of one, is the happiness of all. The discomfort of one is the discomfort of all.
Young people are the leaders of today and the decision-makers (and takers!) of tomorrow. Why is it so important to involve as many youth as possible in order to change the world? What difference can they make and what insights can they give for building better societies?
It sure is. LOVE is the most powerful weapon which you can use to transform the human heart. Today, more than ever, our world - and our hearts - need an instrument capable to heal the deep wounds caused by prejudices of all kinds. Love is the source of all things.
Peace, Security, and Solidarity depend on it.
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This picture was taken in the Holy Land when I served in the capacity of Deputy Secretary-General of the Baha'i International Community at the Baha'i World Centre.
During my time there, I learned about the importance of the Power of Love: not only on paper but in reality, not only with religious (or not) people, politicians, journalists, activists, young people, or locals but with everyone, women, men and children alike.
We could have focused on our differences and yet... we looked elsewhere. We found ways to work together because we purposefully chose to focus on what united us not what divided us... through respect, cooperation, and often meaningful friendships.
Today, Love is the only remedy that can bind our hearts together and teach us that should any difference arise amongst us, we can work on it for "We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divide us." (Jo Cox)
To focus on what we love and what unite us make us surpass the goals we initially set and overcome the toughest challenges.
Unity- Togetherness is the mean to reciprocity and cooperation between people, regions, and nations. It nurtures friendship and trust and destroys bullying, fears and doubts.
Now, we must read one's reality, to assess how to best use this powerful instrument, and to build a "NETLOVE" in a practical and uplifting way, so one can transform as well as transform his/her/their environment for the betterment of all.
Realism - and Pragmatism - are good, however, they should not be confused with cynicism and extreme relativism. Pragmatism must be married with Optimism. Today, we look at the glass half empty, but could we purposefully focus on the glass half full too? Today, we can see many walls, but could we purposefully focus on building bridges as well? Could we ask ourselves what are the capacities, skills, and attitudes we, humans, need to acquire to build a world with more peace, justice and equality for all? Who will be creative enough to be at the vanguard of a new world founded upon HOPE not despair?
There is never one way to read the reality we live in. And everyone should feel welcome to share their insights, their opinions, for Truth comes from the clashes of opinions. There is ONE undeniable Truth however:
that we, humans, are all endowed with dignity and rights, with a conscience which, when dedicated to serving our needs and the needs of the people we live with, through cooperation and unity, not without its own challenges, of course, we can still strive to be "prosperous"...which we can become beyond any expectations, and beyond our wildest dreams, for ourselves and for the next generations to come!
Carmel Irandoust
I wish for our common shared humanity to transform hate into love, frustration into compassion, war into peace, despair into hope, selfishness into solidarity, enmity into friendship, and most importantly, network into netlove!
NETLOVE is dedicated and committed to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. This blueprint for humankind is a powerful instrument which we can use to promote a prosperous, just, peaceful society. What are we waiting for to understand and implement them?
“You are the generation that will be leading in the new century and the new millennium, so the challenge is to make sure that your influence is used to ensure that the entire world learns that Humanity transcends difference, that difference is indeed the very essence of Humanity."
John Hume
Thank you all for your kind support to promote this work.
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